Hidden by Fate

Hidden by Fate

Shannon Mayer

106 reviews
1,210 ratings
First published December 3, 2024
250 pages, Kindle Edition

My Review


Book Description

A prophecy foretold of a journey across the seas that would solve all my problems. But now I'm stuck between an old flame who wants to rekindle what we had, and a jealous vampire who would take the other's head if permitted. Did I mention the psycho goddess Lilis, stalking our every move, intent on killing us all? Despite our troubles, what started out as a cobbled-together faction destined to fail is finally starting to rise to the challenge. We're hot on the trail of the "gem" we've been searching for...a girl named Jade, who is the next key to restoring the Veil. If I can keep Raven from decapitating Maverick and myself from letting either of them make a fool out of me for love (again) we just might have a fighting chance.
Shannon Mayer
A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, I was born into a family of Star Wars nuts. I have a lot of siblings (somewhere I lost count but I think there was more than could be numbered on one hand) and being one of the young padawans I was subjected to Star Wars marathons, on a regular basis. If you've read any of my books you'll see there is often a reference to said movies as a small homage to my upbringing. May the force be with you and all that jazz. I started writing when I realized I didn't want to grow up not believing in magic, or not believing in creatures everyone else said didn't exist. That being said, I have never seen a fairy, unicorn or dragon. I had a neighbour who swore they fed the leprechauns in their garden, but I never caught the little buggers no matter how long I lay in wait. (And consequently had to help the neighbours plant new flowers to replace those I killed waiting for the leprechauns to show their faces.) Along the way, I found my husband who is the rock that keeps me from floating away into my dreams, and we have a little boy who is the centre of our world. Living on a farm keeps us busy (as if the writing wasn't enough) and I have more than my share of stories about wrestling with cows, helping birth calves and ending up in the creek during the process, falling in the mud (we'll call it mud but we all know that on a farm, mud is rarely mud) and chasing escaped livestock in the hopes the four legged convicts don't make it to the highway. I've taken up archery, and the goal is to move into horseback archery in time (you know, when I can hit the target on a consistent basis) and when no one is looking, I love to bake (this doesn't happen often as it's hard to keep the sweet treats in stock with two boys in the house.) As to what's coming next for me? More stories (since those never stop inside my head, I might as well share them with all of you!) and more adventures. Pretty much, when the fancy strikes, I'll jump on it. Leap before you look I'm sure that motto was created for me. Or was that . . . think big and dream bigger, ready, set, pull the trigger . . . yeah. That one is a good one too. But only if you have a gun. And are hunting elephants. Which is not cool because of so many reasons. Let's stick with the first one with an addendum. Leap before you look and let your dreams carry you on their wings. And that, my friends, is me in a nutshell.

Midnight Kiss: Bloodlines of Love

Librarian Emily finds a cursed ancient book about vampires that makes her mysteriously ill and connected to it. Vampire Alexander is tasked with retrieving the book but falls for Emily instead. Now he must protect her from an evil vampire coven also after the book, while trying to break the curse that binds Emily to it.

Photo of Farahilda Winters
A new vampire romance by me, Farahilda Winters

Download the first three chapters of book 1—Midnight Kiss

Photo of Farahilda Winters
Farahilda Winters